CLEARvoz Journal – 2018 Edition No. 2

Dear CLEARvoz Journal, Authors, Reviewers, Editors, and Readers,

Happy Holidays!

This is to inform you that Issue 2 of Volume 4 (2018) of the CLEARvoz Journal has now been published online. The new issue can be accessed through the following link:

In this edition we continue to address issues impacting social justice leadership, equity, and underrepresented group advocacy. The CLEARvoz Journal, a publication of the Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research (CLEAR), is focused on providing a multidisciplinary forum to provide a broad range of educators an avenue to share scholarly knowledge in K-20 education. We would like to thank the members of the Editorial Board and Editorial Review Board members for their time and support.

Thank you all for your contributions and support. Your continued dedication and commitment to equity and social justice are invaluable!

Thank you,

Dr. Ken Magdaleno
President/CEO & Executive Editor of the CLEARvoz Journal
Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research