5821 East Rancho Drive, Fresno, CA 93727 kmagdaleno@clearvoz.com 559.346.8728

California Schools that Succeed: Breaking the Correlation Between, Race, Poverty and Student Achievement

Join the Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research (CLEAR) as we partner with faculty from National University to explore findings from their recent research into the correlation between race, poverty, and student achievement. This discussion is aimed at… Read More

2022-2023 Social Justice Leadership Program

The CLEAR Social Justice Leadership Program was created as a collaborative space where you feel comfortable examining and addressing issues of social justice. Participants will have an opportunity to select a mentor for the duration of the term,… Read More

We Invite You to Partner With Us

I hope this message finds you well. The Center for Leadership, Equity and Research recently reached a milestone of 10 years serving followers from throughout the Social Justice, Racial Justice and Equity community. This “community” is made up mostly of educational leaders like yourself throughout the United States. In 2011 we began our efforts in the Central Valley of California and have since developed partnerships and collaborations throughout the state. A goal for CLEAR during 2021 – 2022 is to continue to develop national and international partnerships, particularly in light of increasing assaults on voting rights and educational instruction and leadership in the United States.

Upcoming Webinar – Back to School 2021: The New Normal

Join us for an insightful conversation with education leaders from across the state to discuss their school reopening plans. Panelists will share their strategies for addressing unfinished learning, student engagement, missingness, policy, and equitable outcomes. Participants will walk away inspired to think differently about the new normal.

Professional Development Series

Register today for the upcoming CLEAR Professional Development Series workshop. Next topic: Equity and Real-Word Math Engagement on Monday, April 4, 2022.