CALL FOR PAPERS for the next edition of CLEARvoz Journal 

CALL FOR PAPERS for the next edition of CLEARvoz Journal 

Due date January 15, 2018

CLEAR along with its online peer-reviewed scholarly journal, the CLEARvoz Journal, is seeking submissions of manuscripts of use and interest to education leaders in California and beyond. We seek empirical studies, concept papers, policy briefs, professional experience reflective essays, and other genres. We are strongly interested in empirical studies and concept papers in the area of social justice leadership, educational equity, and underrepresented group advocacy.

The CLEARvoz Journal, a publication of CLEAR, is focused on providing a multidisciplinary forum to provide a broad range of education professors and other professionals an avenue to share scholarly knowledge in K-20 education. CLEARvoz Journal is a component of the research strand of CLEAR, a non-profit organization focused on leadership, equity, and research in educational and community settings.

Book and research review submissions on any of the above strands and topics are welcome.

Learn more here.