5821 East Rancho Drive, Fresno, CA 93727 kmagdaleno@clearvoz.com 559.346.8728

Month: February 2016

Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS for the Summer 2016 Edition of CLEARvoz Journal   The Center for Leadership, Equity and Research (CLEAR), along with its online scholarly journal, the CLEARvoz Journal, is seeking submissions of manuscripts of use and interest… Read More

Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at Fresno State is accepting applications for Fall 2016 Admission

The Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership at Fresno State is accepting applications for Fall 2016 admission. The program provides educational opportunities to students who want to become outstanding educational leaders who can transform schools and colleges. The faculty… Read More

CLEARvoz Journal – Third Edition

The third edition of the CLEARvoz Journal has been published.  It is available at http://journals.sfu.ca/cvj/index.php/cvj/issue/view/6. This journal features studies and academic papers on various pressing issues in PK-20 schools.  In particular, the issue includes a longitudinal study designed… Read More

CLEAR Middle School Mentoring Program

CLEAR Middle School Mentoring Program Accepting Partnership Proposals for the 2016-2017 CLEAR has been supporting equity in our community through various programs such as the Young Men’s Alliance at Baird Middle School. Through collaboration with administrators at Baird… Read More