Professional Development Workshop: Equity Leadership


Professional Development Workshop


Reflective Process – Inspired Action

Thursday, April 14, 2016 – 8:30am to noon
Lozano Smith’s Fresno Office

CLEAR is offering its second free of cost professional development workshop.

Every thought, every decision, every choice and every action has the potential to invoke equitable outcome. Since what we focus on expands – our intentions become powerful energizers that can move us along our path in alignment with our purpose of treating people fairly in accordance with different needs. We all have the power, the freedom and the responsibility to develop a clear intention on equity. This is a necessary first step in deliberately creating equitable outcomes in and through our work, our leadership and mentoring. Our implicit biases and pockets of resistance can fortunately undermine our intentions and disallow the very outcomes we desire. When this happens our connection to self and others creates dis-ease. Through self and shared reflection we can move from knowing to doing, making clear connections to principles of equity and social justice.

This workshop is designed for school leaders who want to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of one-self and others in relationship to equity leadership. We begin where we stand, by allowing insight into our own implicit biases and shared experience of inequities. Through a reflective process we will move towards co-creating clear intentions that will manifest in deliberate inspired actions.

Thursday, April 14, 2016
8:30 a.m. to noon
8:30 a.m. Check-in and Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Workshop Begins

Lozano Smith’s Fresno Office
7404 N. Spalding Ave.
Fresno, CA 93720

Presented by:
R. Sandie Woods, Ed.D. serves as an Assistant Professor and Director of the Liberal Studies program at Fresno Pacific University in Fresno, California. Her previous experience includes 30 years of teaching and school site administration in K-12 public education. Her research interests include social justice leadership, culturally responsive pedagogy, critical consciousness, and service learning.



Suwinder Cooper is an Education Consultant specializing in Equity & Diversity. She draws upon her broad based experience in Human Relations, Cross-Cultural Counseling and the Arts to collaborate, design and deliver creative, customized training programs and services.

She develops successful district wide and school wide equity strategic plans, custom designs and delivers professional development culturally relevant training programs for students; teachers, classified staff, parent liaisons, clerical staff, food services staff and district personal. She conducts boy’s empowerment and student leadership retreats, and group facilitation skills trainings. An advocate for the arts, she works collaboratively with diverse community groups to develop and strengthen arts education and cross-cultural understanding through the arts.


Equity: “The state, action or principle of treating people fairly in accordance with different needs”.

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