Registration & Sponsorship Opportunities

5th Annual Mentoring Summit

Expanding Our Horizons, New Dimensions in Mentoring

October 28, 2016 – 7:30am to 4:00pm
California State University Fresno – North Gym 118

Education….Community Organizing….Business Sector

$125 Registration 


Eventbrite - CLEAR 4th Annual Mentoring Summit


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Keynote Speaker – Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D. 


Jeff Duncan-Andrade, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Raza Studies and Education at San Francisco State University. He is also the founder of the Roses in Concrete Community School, a community responsive lab school in East Oakland (, and the Community Responsive Education Group (CRE) working with schools and districts around the world to develop and support effective classroom and school cultures.

As a classroom teacher and school leader in East Oakland for the past 23 years, his pedagogy has been widely studied and acclaimed for producing uncommon levels of social and academic success for students.

Duncan-Andrade lectures around the world and has authored two books and numerous journal articles and book chapters on effective practices in schools.



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Sponsorship Opportunities

CLEAR is currently accepting Sponsors for the 5th annual Mentoring Summit on October 28, 2016.  Each sponsor will receive logo recognition in the conference program, name recognition during the conference, and the Pre-Registration list & Registration list.

Sponsor now OR Download the Sponsorship Form. 

The categories below highlight the benefits of each Summit Sponsorship level:

Breakfast Sponsor (only one available) $1500

  • Logo in conference program
  • Ad Space – Quarter page
  • 3 minutes speaking time during breakfast (time will be determined upon conference schedule)
  • Pre-Registration list & Registration list

Lunch Sponsor (only one available) $2500

  • Logo in Conference Program
  • Ad Space – Quarter page
  • 5 minutes speaking time during lunch (time will be determined upon conference schedule)
  • Pre-Registration list & Registration list

“I’d like to sponsor a Conference Table.” $750
Be a part of the conference. This sponsorship level gives you a seat at a conference table to sit with attendees, as well as your own vendor table.

  • Conference table: one seat at an attendee table
  • Vendor table: 6’ table, linen, two chairs
  • Two conference tickets (breakfast and lunch included)
  • Logo in conference program
  • Ad space – 1/8 page
  • Pre-Registration list & Registration list

“I’d like a Vendor Table.” $500
Sit back, enjoy the show, and relax. This sponsorship level provides you with all your vendor needs.

  • Table: 6’ table, linen, two chairs
  • Two conference tickets (breakfast and lunch included)
  • Logo in conference program
  • Ad space – 1/16 page
  • Pre-Registration list & Registration list

“I’d like to sponsor a Table Centerpiece.” $300
You provide the centerpiece and we’ll provide the signs.

  • Centerpiece: provided by you
  • Table signage: we will provide signage with your company name
  • Logo in conference program
  • Pre-Registration list & Registration list

Your support to our annual Mentoring Summit enables us to reach our mission in striving to eliminate educational and social disparities which impede equitable opportunities and outcomes for all students and the communities from which they arrive.  If you have other ideas to support CLEAR, please contact Jenny Vue,