
The Word Innovation written on a chalkboard

We endorse and promote promising past and future research on issues of social justice and educational reform in K – 20 Education campuses. We support researchers doing work in these critical need areas, promote the development of leadership and leadership mentoring, and serve as a hub for bringing together California and national researchers doing work within the educational community. The Center disseminates findings utilizing a growing network of publications, seminars and additional professional collaborations. These include, but are not limited to economic stability, technology, access to healthcare, school discipline, media access, etc. These are all relevant issues that support the work of CLEAR as it informs on timely and relevant issues affecting issues of social justice, educational reform, and community needs.

The California Endowment: Sons and Brothers Developmental Evaluation

CLEAR has recently been funded to conduct Developmental Evaluation services for the California Endowment’s Sons and Brothers initiative. The Sons and Brothers project serves the Fresno area under the auspices of Building Healthy Communities. The purpose of the Developmental Evaluation work is to provide guidance and support to the innovative practices targeted by the Sons and Brothers staff. The California Endowment funds three Building Healthy Community regions (Fresno, Oakland, Los Angeles) that demonstrate values rooted in social justice and racial equity.