Central Valley Equity Symposium


Presented by Illuminate Education and the Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research (CLEAR), the Central Valley Equity Symposium is a one-day event addressing key issues of equity and access in education. Sessions will focus on the needs of underserved student groups, culturally-responsive teaching, and equity-driven leadership.

The Symposium is open to all attendees, including administrators, teachers and community members. Please join us as we come together to make our schools a safe and welcoming environment for all students to thrive.

PRESENTED BY: Illuminate Education & The Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research (CLEAR)

WHEN: April 21, 2017  I  8:30am-3:15pm

LOCATION: Smittcamp Alumni House at Fresno State University, 2625 E. Matoian Way Fresno, CA 93740


PRESENTER: Kenneth Magdaleno, EdD, Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research

KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Becoming Fearless, Serious and Strategic About Equity in Schools
PRESENTER: Gail L. Thompson, PhD, Illuminate Education
DESCRIPTION: This session will provide P-K-12 and higher education leaders and educators with research and strategies to improve schools on behalf of African American, Latino, low-income, and other students who have historically been underserved by the U.S. Public School System.

SESSION 1: Driving an Equity Leadership Agenda Through a Multi-Tiered System Supports (MTSS) for Long Term Language Learners (LTELs)
PRESENTER: Abram Jimenez, EdD, Illuminate Education
DESCRIPTION: Educators have been innovative and agile in addressing the needs of LTELs, yet the research has demonstrated that there has been minimal growth in reclassifying students, despite their best intentions. Participants will analyze research based practices and understand how educational tools can support their English Language Learner needs. Attendees will explore and discuss innovative MTSS structures school districts have invested in to support central office MTSS to schools.

SESSION 2: This is What White Privilege Looks Like
PRESENTER: Debra Russell, MA, Illuminate Education
DESCRIPTION: We will examine statements from fellow educators to identify how privilege can impede our work, and then—using Augusto Boal’s pedagogical model—practice engaging with others toward greater equity in our schools and educational communities.