In Collaboration

Early Lessons from Distance Learning: Placing and then Keeping Students at the Center of the Conversation Wednesday, 5/27/2020 @ 4PM  FREE ONLINE WEBINAR RSVP:  After 2 months spent transitioning all K-12 education on-line, several ongoing challenges… Read More

Special Edition of the Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research (JLER)

The Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research is excited to announce the publication of a special edition of the Journal of Leadership, Equity, and Research (JLER), which includes four articles, two book reviews and a distinguished scholar commentary.

CLEAR Book Recommendation

We want to take the opportunity to share a book with you: The Chicana/o/x Dream helps define the heart and soul of tomorrow’s America and elucidates how Chicana/o/x college students maintain hope, enact resistance, and succeed against injustice. The… Read More

Update to 8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit

In light of the growing concerns regarding the Coronavirus Pandemic and outbreaks around the state, nation and world, the Center for Leadership, Equity and Research (CLEAR) Board has agreed that it is best to postpone the March 20, 2020 “Equity with Intentionality” Social Justice Leadership Summit until further notice.

Call for Proposals

8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit Deadline: February 1, 2020 The Center for Leadership Equity and Research (CLEAR) is currently accepting presentation proposals for the Eighth Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit to be held on March 20, 2020,… Read More