5821 East Rancho Drive, Fresno, CA 93727 kmagdaleno@clearvoz.com 559.346.8728

Breakout Sessions

Fall 2018 Social Justice and Equity Institute

Intentional Activism: Leadership, Literacy and Social Justice

Breakout Sessions


Breakout Session I

9:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Literacy:  Access and Equity as a Social Justice Obligation for African American Students
Ramona T. Pittman, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Literacy at Texas A&M University-San Antonio
Lawrence Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at Texas A&M University-San AntonioAfrican Americans (AA) students comprise of 16 % of students enrolled in U.S. Schools (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017). AA students, however, perform lower than all of their counterparts in reading (National Center for Education Statistics, 2017). As evidenced by the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), only 20% of AA students in grade four and 18% of AA students in grade eight are reading at a proficiency level.This presentation will move beyond the current conversations, whereas jails can predict how many beds will be needed based upon third grade reading scores or students who do not learn to read by third grade are more than likely to drop out of school (Lyons, 2001). The focus of the presentation will be on providing actions for educators and leaders on ways to value students
who speak African American English (AAE). AAE, spoken by approximately 80% of AAs, is a variation of Academic English with its own rules. A mismatch exists between the language that
is spoken at home and the language required for school. While many other minority students receive English Language Learning services, AA students do not receive any services for being AAE speakers. Additionally, research has shown that teachers set low expectations for speakers of AAE. This presentation, therefore, will provide data from various schools’ leadership on their perspectives of speakers of AAE and provide executable actions for school leadership to increase the literacy outcomes for AA students because providing support is a social justice obligation!
Educators Doing Justice Integrating the Social Justice Standards Pre-K-16+
Danna Lomax, Teacher, Ventura Unified School District & Lecturer at CSU Channel Islands
Brittnee Veldman, Professor at CSU Channel Islands
Monica Pereira, Librarian at CSU Channel IslandsThis session explores the role of the Teaching Tolerance Social Justice Standards, and how they can be integrated with the Common Core State Standards.  Attendees will participate in an activity that elucidates how the domains of Identity, Diversity, Justice, and Action are invoked in creating change.Active learning has no boundaries.  This workshop presents participants with a framework for examining assumptions, beliefs, and values in the learning environment.  They will become familiar with Educators Doing Justice (EDJ), a local community based organization of critical educators. EDJ uses these techniques and methodologies through its Professional Development action arm to effect change in schools.  EDJ defines ‘educator’ as anyone who works to support learners of all ages in our communities; everyone is a potential educator.Attendees will become familiar with Teaching Tolerance’s Social Justice Standards and project- based learning. Bringing social justice into the classroom environment has the intended consequence of decolonizing the learning experience and promoting peace, diversity, inclusion, and equity. Recognizing that each person is the expert of their own experience, and all people’s stories are equally valued, is the starting point for this session.The ultimate goal of social justice/peace education is action fueled by critical thinking and dialogue. Participants are encouraged to offer their various contexts for consideration and discussion and to brainstorm opportunities to promote social action and change in their communities. Participants will leave this session with a knowledge of Social Justice Standards as framed by Teaching Tolerance, project-based learning, and ideas for implementation in a variety of settings. It is anticipated that all participants will be actively engaged because active learning has no boundaries.
Supporting Emotional Regulation of Trauma-Impacted Students: The Moral Imperative of Social Emotional Learning in Supporting Student Livings in Conditions of Poverty
Chris Ridge, Director of Pupil Services, Oxnard School District
Participants will:
-Understand how students living in conditions of poverty are at-risk of systematic punitive responses and how a shift in perspective is necessary to support their needs
-Review common examples of strategies, practices and resources that support trauma-impacted students through social emotional learning


Breakout Session 2

10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Reinventing the School Year
Valerie Martinez, Principal at Baird Middle School in Fresno Unified School DistrictHow can we, as a system, reshape the school year so that children get what they need from us? If we believe that it is the system – not the children – that requires fixing, how can we transform the system to ensure that ALL children acquire – and maintain – the foundational literacy skills that are necessary for success? Participants will learn about the key drivers in a summer literacy program for African American and Latino students in Fresno that led to an average growth of 4.9 months over the course of a five-week program. Learn the power of repurposing funds, recruitment, partnering with parents, and setting individual student goals. It CAN be done!
Transformative Leadership Through the Lens of Social Justice and Equity 
Peter Flores III, Director of Student Services of Santa Maria Joint Union High School District
Joe Domingues, Principal of Santa Maria High School
True change goes beyond courageous conversations. Change takes courage, persistence and an unflappable belief in the “WHY.” The lives’ of children in the school system depend on our organizational and personal beliefs and is why Transformative Leadership matters. Transformative leaders challenge the status quo in a way that impacts the system. In our presentation we will share the application of Transformative Leadership that changed an organization from adult-school centric to student-community centric by using the Tools of Cultural Proficiency (Nuri-Robins, Lindsey, Lindsey, and Terrell, 2012).