
A group of students looking at something on a computerEngaging our mission includes advocacy by its leadership which is called upon to intentionally amplify a collective voice of educational leaders and allies through a forum of professional learning, political action, and community empowerment.

We’ve listed our newsletters so you can see all the things we’ve done in the past years.



Winter 2018/2019
Summer 2018
Winter 2018

Summer 2017
Spring 2017

Winter 2016
Spring 2016

Fall 2015
Summer 2015
Spring 2015

Winter 2014
Fall 2014
Summer 2014
Spring 2014

Winter 2013
Fall 2013
Spring 2013



PRESENTATION: Diversity, Belief Systems and Culture in the Workplace
This presentation addresses the fact that diversity and inclusion are an inherent part of business culture and growth. A focus on diversity causes the energy and talent at all levels of the organization to be unleashed, resulting in innovative solutions that contribute to a spirit of team, service, and progress

ARTICLE: Recognizing the Cultural Value Students Bring to School
Students of color are often seen through a deficit thinking lens, rather than appreciated for the wealth of cultural knowledge, skills and abilities they possess.

ARTICLE: Educational Leaders and the “Acknowledgement Gap”
Addressing the acknowledgement gap through educational transformation is not about becoming comfortable. In fact, it is about facing those issues which make us uncomfortable.