8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit


Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is the largest, most successful K-12 College Readiness System in the United States and eliminates the college readiness gap.  The presenter will provide an overview and results after 40 years, particularly for low income, minority and underserved students.
Edward Lee Vargas, Ed.D., Executive Vice President at AVID Center
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) has been eliminating the college and career readiness gap, particularly low income, Latino, and other underserved student groups for 40 years.  Now in 46 states and 16 countries, the presenter will share years of data, including the National Student Clearing House tracking of AVID graduate’s enrollment and completion rate that our perform non-AVID students in all student performance subgroups.  AVID has been known as a “gamechanger” and the presenter will share why it’s been so successful and how all schools can be AVID schools k-12 and prepare their students for the workforce of tomorrow, today.
Coaching Toward Equity: A Scenario-Based Workshop for Practitioners  Participants will work in small groups to analyze a variety of classroom and school-based scenarios and collaborate to determine a course of action.
Ryan Goins, Education Specialist at Center for Powerful Public Schools
Sarah Brown, Education Specialist at Center for Powerful Public Schools
Have you ever been in a situation that stopped you in your tracks, where you were unsure of what to do or what to say?  Maybe you’ve noticed the boys were sitting on one side of the classroom and the girls on the other side. Or you took an action that, upon reflection, served to “other” a student. In small groups, workshop participants will reflect on personal classroom/school-site equity challenges. As a community, participants will workshop said questionable equity instances using strategies such as clarifying questions. This workshop provides participants a structured and safe opportunity to practice the skills required to challenge inequity and receive feedback on how to engage in courageous conversations.
Cultural Music Education, Equity in Action
Lucia D. Vazquez, Ed.D., Central Valley Equal Voice Network
Although the “Academic Mariachi Educational Movement” has continue to grow over the last two decades, there has been sparse scholarly research by the those in the field (Salazar, 2001, p. 2). Until now only “anecdotal evidence” has been offered. In recent years there has been a shift in media articles focusing on youth mariachi from simply documenting events to insinuating participation in Mariachi influences academic achievement, self-esteem, school attendance and acceptance into college. (Peterson, 2017; Reichard, R., 2016; Robinson, 2016; Sullivan, P., 2008; Valdez, M., 2013).   This presentation will review researched based evidence on how participation in Quality Mariachi Academies contribute to educational resilience. The strong parent buy-in component and academic success in this population speak to youth Mariachi programing as  best practices for successful equity approaches & Equity in Action. Resources on how to support Quality Mariachi programing will be discussed.
Equity and Data-Based Decision Making: Ways we need to rethink our approach
Abram Jimenez, Ed.D., Vice President at Curriculum Associates
During the session, attendees will analyze current education practices related to the identification students need. Attendees will be asked to reflect on equity, ways they are currently advancing equity and shifts they may consider in current policies and building-level practices. Attendees will reflect on current mindsets and that of teams to prepare for the changes needed to serve all students, especially students from traditionally underserved, underresourced, and marginalized communities. Attendees will leave with tangible next steps for classroom teachers, teacher teams, and district level system-level actions.
Equity and Access through Early College: How Community College Partnerships Stop the School to Prison Pipeline
Monica Jara Guerra, Ed.D., Director, College & Alumni Initiatives at Grimmway Academy Christine Cruz-Boone, Ed.D., Arvin Early College Faculty at Bakersfield College
Higher education is a pathway to increased income potential and improved quality of life, but it is not a pathway open to all. The United States census data reported between 2014-2018 a mere 2% of the people living in the rural agricultural community of Arvin, California had earned a bachelor degree or higher. The census went to on to say that more than 28% of people in Arvin are living in abject poverty. In direct response to this structural inequity, Bakersfield Community College expanded its rural program offerings and in 2018 launched its first Early College cohort. Early College is a partnership with local community colleges and a local public secondary school that provides students the opportunity to simultaneously earn their high school diploma and up to two years of transferable college credit.  This presentation will discuss developmentally appropriate instructional design, and how-to create a student-centered learning environment when teaching high school students collegiate content and the importance of community partnerships to help students both persist and succeed.     At the end of the presentation, participants will be able to list two techniques for maintaining rigor in early college classroom.  Understand techniques for collaborating with leaders in difference agencies to meet needs of students in communities.  
Leading with Equity in a Time of Trends
Felipe Mercado, Ed.D., Principal at West Fresno Elementary/CEO of Wise Souls
This workshop will support leaders in their development an understanding of the inherent tensions, contradictions, and uncertainty in leading for equity in complex systems. The presenter will use complex systems and a systemic oppression lens to assess our current opportunities and challenges that we face in education. Participants will be able to reflect on their own leadership style, role, and responsibilities — and generate ideas about possible next moves regarding an equity challenge you are facing.
LGBTQ Cultural Proficiency and School Climate
Rob Darrow, Ed.D., Adjunct professor at CSU Monterey Bay, Safe Schools Project Santa Cruz County
The California State schools dashboard identifies school climate – providing a healthy, safe and welcoming environment  – as an important attribute. What strategies and tools can be put in place that truly address school climate in general, and specifically for LGBTQ students? How can administrators and teachers apply these strategies in the K-12 setting? Researched based strategies discussed will include defining school climate, intentional actions that create more inclusive schools and classrooms, analyzing data to indicate LGBTQ student safety, and how to develop a culturally proficient mindset for all educators. Also shared will be an LGBTQ School Climate Index used throughout Santa Cruz County schools and an LGBTQ cultural proficiency assessment for educators – both tools that may be used to measure progress towards providing a safer and more inclusive climate for LGBTQ students and their families in schools and school districts.
Opening the a-g Gate for English Learners:  Understanding the Law as it Applies to English Learner Placement in Courses and How to Provide Equity and Access for Higher Education.
Lauren Lemons Odell, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction & Professional Development at Modesto City Schools
Now more than ever, the manner in which our Districts place our secondary English Learner students in the master schedule dictates whether or not they have access and equity to opportunities to higher education.  Moreover, the new College and Career Indicator on the California Dashboard requires schools and districts alike to report out the rates of all students, including the English Learner population, meeting a-g requirements.  This interactive session is designed to support participants in understanding both Federal and State laws in regards to English Learner placement in both core content areas and Designated English Language Development.  In addition, participants will be given the opportunity to reflect on various avenues to provide a-g opportunities not often considered.  This is a hands-on workshop utilizing data and online resources.  Participants will leave with resources to utilize as they continue this crucial conversation at their sites and districts well after the session is over.
Shifting from the Narrow Zone of Zero Tolerance to a Wide Region of Restorative Practices: Black girls and School Discipline
Angela Clark Louque, Ed.D., CSU San Bernardino, Professor Talisa Sullivan-Ingram, Ph.D., CSU San Bernardino, Professor
This presentation will discuss a case study of disciplinary actions taken by school administrators regarding a Black female. The school’s responses to the “violations” are analyzed to demonstrate whether or not fair and equitable decisions were practiced, and what other responses are available to administrators.   Across the nation, incidences continue to occur that demonstrate inequitable treatment towards students of color, and in particular, Black girls. The latest trends indicate that Black girls have the “fastest growing number of suspension rates, experience disciplines rates six (6) times higher than White girls; and they experience suspension rates higher than 67% of boys as well” (U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, 2014, p. 4).  With these latest trends affecting school discipline, the need to study Black girls is becoming even more essential to provide more insight to school officials who create and enforce disciplinary policies (Losen & Skiba, 2010).    The presenters will use a scenario as an example of disciplinary action taken by school administrators. The scenario presents two Black high school females who had disciplinary actions taken against them using a Zero Tolerance Policy.  In order to examine these actions, the presentation offers an alternative set of procedures to implement instead of “pushing” students out of school.    The recommendations to reduce the number of suspensions is use restorative practices and to continue to educate and train teachers and administrators in culturally responsive strategies using the following: Restorative PracticesPositive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS)Culturally proficient leadership7 C’s of Engagement and Partnership   There are other options besides suspensions and expulsions, to be considered by administrators when making decisions in a system that habitually mis-disciplines young Black girls and students of color.  
Social Emotional Learning and Intersectionality: What Practitioners Need to Know as Adult Learners Teaching Students from Diverse Backgrounds
Serena Arias, Ed.D., BCBA, Coordinator Equity and Student Services at Visalia Unified School District
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is a critical aspect of teaching the whole child, however as adult learners how can we model SEL with an intentional focus on equity? Participants will learn about the SEL framework and the alignment to Restorative Practices. This session will also incorporate how intersectionality can develop a more equitable approach to the implementation of SEL and RP for diverse students.
Fresno Unified School District’s Personalized Learning Initiative: An Approach to Building Equitable Learning Opportunities for All Students
Molly McMains, Ph.D., School Leadership Data Analyst: Teacher on Special Assignment at Fresno Unified School District and Ryan Coe, Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Learning at Fresno Unified School District

Fresno Unified School District’s Personalized Learning Initiative (PLI) engages teachers in approaches and supports to foster conditions for equitable learning opportunities for all students. PLI training models how teachers can leverage whole group instruction, collaborative task, independent practice and targeted small group instruction with intentional use and non-use of technology to create blended learning opportunities to support reaching every student at grade level and beyond. Through a voluntary teacher and site opt-in approach, teachers network with peers throughout the PLI’s variety of learning and coaching opportunities. PLI’s asset-based coaching model encourages teachers to take risks to improve student learning in a supportive environment while maintaining the rigor needed for students to succeed in the classroom and beyond. In growing to support a diverse group of teachers, PLI has learned to develop learning opportunities for the diverse needs of all teachers in an effort to cultivate more equitable learning opportunities for all students.
Working in a Culturally Diverse World
Emma Ilori, MPH Adjunct Faculty at Fresno Pacific University Babatunde Ilori, Executive Director of Accountability and Communications at Madera Unified School District
This workshop is designed to introduce you to concepts that will help increase your competencies to work more effectively in a globally diverse world and workplace.  We will be learning these concepts through a method called Cultural Intelligence, or CQ for short.  We will walk through the 4 part cycle of CQ, which includes your CQ drive, knowledge, strategy and action. As we do this, you will discover how culture plays a role in learning and behavior for yourself as well as those around you, including how culturally based beliefs and practices affect things such as teaching, learning and performance. You will engage with interactive scenarios to enhance your learning experience. By the end of the 60 min workshop, you will be able to define the cycle of Cultural Intelligence, describe how culture affects the beliefs and behaviors of everyone and identify areas where you can begin to grow your own CQ to become even more effective working in a multiethnic world.