Last year the Center for Leadership, Equity and Research was forced to reschedule our yearly Social Justice Summit because of COVID-19 outbreaks around the state, nation and world. Today we are pleased to announce that the 8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit titled “Equity with Intentionality” has been scheduled for virtual presentations on March 4, 11, and 18, 2021. We wish to thank you for your support and patience and look forward to “seeing” you in March.
This years Social Justice Leadership Summit seeks to bring together those individuals and groups interested in taking social justice advocacy efforts to the next level by focusing on “praxis” or “intentional activism.” In Pedagogy of the Oppressed Paulo Freire described praxis as “reflection and action directed at the structures to be transformed.” Please join us as we work together to consider and plan for the implementation of efforts to ensure systems become more equitable.
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Enrique Alemán, Jr. is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio. A native of Kingsville in South Texas and a first-generation college student, Dr. Alemán melds his personal and professional interests with research that has the potential to address the racialized and institutionalized inequities that have historically underserved students and communities of color. In late 2014, he produced and co-wrote Stolen Education, a documentary about the forgotten history of a little-known federal desegregation court case from the 1950s, Hernandez et al. v. Driscoll Consolidated School District (1957). Dr. Alemán earned his Ph.D. in Educational Administration, with a concentration in Educational Policy and Planning, from the University of Texas at Austin. While at UT-Austin he also completed a doctoral certification in Mexican American Studies. He has an undergraduate degree from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, and a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in New York, New York.
Thursday, March 4, 2021, 9am – 11am
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Enrique Aleman, Professor and Chair in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio
Thursday, March 11, 2021, 9am – 11am
Presentations by:
The Color of Law: How intentional inequities at the local, state, and federal levels segregated our cities and our schools
In 1954, the Supreme Court issued its famous ruling desegregating schools: Brown v. Board of Education. So why do schools remain largely segregated and what can we do to end the systemic inequalities that exist in our communities?
Presenters: Ms. Valerie Martinez, Principal, Baird Middle School and Ms. Marisela Martinez, City Planner II, City of Fresno
Shifting from the Narrow Zone of Zero Tolerance to a Wide Region of Restorative Practices: Black girls and School Discipline
This presentation will discuss a case study of disciplinary actions taken by school administrators regarding a Black female. The school’s responses to the “violations” are analyzed to demonstrate whether or not fair and equitable decisions were practiced, and what other responses are available to administrators.
Across the nation, incidences continue to occur that demonstrate inequitable treatment towards students of color, and in particular, Black girls. The latest trends indicate that Black girls have the “fastest growing number of suspension rates, experience disciplines rates six (6) times higher than White girls; and they experience suspension rates higher than 67% of boys as well” (U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, 2014, p. 4). With these latest trends affecting school discipline, the need to study Black girls is becoming even more essential to provide more insight to school officials who create and enforce disciplinary policies (Losen & Skiba, 2010).
The presenters will use a scenario as an example of disciplinary action taken by school administrators. The scenario presents two Black high school females who had disciplinary actions taken against them using a Zero Tolerance Policy. In order to examine these actions, the presentation offers an alternative set of procedures to implement instead of “pushing” students out of school.
The recommendations to reduce the number of suspensions is use restorative practices and to continue to educate and train teachers and administrators in culturally responsive strategies using the following: 1) Restorative Practices 2) Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) 3) Culturally proficient leadership 4) 7 C’s of Engagement and Partnership
There are other options besides suspensions and expulsions, to be considered by administrators when making decisions in a system that habitually mis-disciplines young Black girls and students of color.
Presenters: Dr. Angela Clark Louque, Professor, CSU San Bernardino and Dr. Talisa Sullivan-Ingram, Adjunct Professor, CSU San Bernardino
Coaching Toward Equity: A Scenario-Based Workshop for Practitioners
Have you ever been in a situation that stopped you in your tracks, where you were unsure of what to do or what to say? Maybe you’ve noticed the boys were sitting on one side of the classroom and the girls on the other side. Or you took an action that, upon reflection, served to “other” a student. In small groups, workshop participants will reflect on personal classroom/school-site equity challenges. As a community, participants will workshop said questionable equity instances using strategies such as clarifying questions. This workshop provides participants a structured and safe opportunity to practice the skills required to challenge inequity and receive feedback on how to engage in courageous conversations.
Presenters: Ms. Sarah Brown, Senior Education Specialist, Center for Powerful Public Schools and Mr. Ryan Goins, Education Specialist, Center for Powerful Public Schools
Working in a Culturally Diverse World
This workshop is designed to introduce you to concepts that will help increase your competencies to work more effectively in a globally diverse world and workplace. We will be learning these concepts through a method called Cultural Intelligence, or CQ for short. We will walk through the 4 part cycle of CQ, which includes your CQ drive, knowledge, strategy and action. As we do this, you will discover how culture plays a role in learning and behavior for yourself as well as those around you, including how culturally based beliefs and practices affect things such as teaching, learning and performance. You will engage with interactive scenarios to enhance your learning experience. By the end of the 60 min workshop, you will be able to define the cycle of Cultural Intelligence, describe how culture affects the beliefs and behaviors of everyone and identify areas where you can begin to grow your own CQ to become even more effective working in a multiethnic world.
Presenters: Ms. Emma Ilori, MPH Adjunct Faculty, Fresno Pacific University and Mr. Babatunde Ilori, Executive Director of Accountability and Communications, Madera Unified School District
Thursday, March 18, 2021, 9am – 11:30am
Guest Speaker and Documentary:
Defying the Odds: Digging Deeper into National & California Student Performance Data and Supporting the Needs of All Learners
National data is all over the media and shaping an incomplete narrative around student learning in the COVID era. The data being used is masking differences in a student’s testing environment- in school and remotely, differences in how students are performing (in school vs out of school) as well as how students of color are achieving relative to what we would expect. Participants of the session will gain data insights used by the district and instructional strategies to defy the odds and ensure the needs of learners are met during this unprecedented time.
Presenter: Dr. Abram Jimenez, Vice President, Curriculum Associates
Documentary: Stolen Education, A film by Dr. Enrique Alemán, Jr. and Mr. Rudy Luna, introduced by Dr. Pete Flores, Director of Equity
Stolen Education documents the untold story of Mexican-American school children who challenged discrimination in Texas schools in the 1950’s and changed the face of education in the Southwest.
Watch the trailer at:
8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit
Equity with Intentionality
Last year the Center for Leadership, Equity and Research was forced to reschedule our yearly Social Justice Summit because of COVID-19 outbreaks around the state, nation and world. Today we are pleased to announce that the 8th Annual Social Justice Leadership Summit titled “Equity with Intentionality” has been scheduled for virtual presentations on March 4, 11, and 18, 2021. We wish to thank you for your support and patience and look forward to “seeing” you in March.
This years Social Justice Leadership Summit seeks to bring together those individuals and groups interested in taking social justice advocacy efforts to the next level by focusing on “praxis” or “intentional activism.” In Pedagogy of the Oppressed Paulo Freire described praxis as “reflection and action directed at the structures to be transformed.” Please join us as we work together to consider and plan for the implementation of efforts to ensure systems become more equitable.
Dr. Enrique Alemán, Jr. is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio. A native of Kingsville in South Texas and a first-generation college student, Dr. Alemán melds his personal and professional interests with research that has the potential to address the racialized and institutionalized inequities that have historically underserved students and communities of color. In late 2014, he produced and co-wrote Stolen Education, a documentary about the forgotten history of a little-known federal desegregation court case from the 1950s, Hernandez et al. v. Driscoll Consolidated School District (1957). Dr. Alemán earned his Ph.D. in Educational Administration, with a concentration in Educational Policy and Planning, from the University of Texas at Austin. While at UT-Austin he also completed a doctoral certification in Mexican American Studies. He has an undergraduate degree from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas, and a master’s degree from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in New York, New York.
Thursday, March 4, 2021, 9am – 11am
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Enrique Aleman, Professor and Chair in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies, University of Texas at San Antonio
Thursday, March 11, 2021, 9am – 11am
Presentations by:
The Color of Law: How intentional inequities at the local, state, and federal levels segregated our cities and our schools
In 1954, the Supreme Court issued its famous ruling desegregating schools: Brown v. Board of Education. So why do schools remain largely segregated and what can we do to end the systemic inequalities that exist in our communities?
Presenters: Ms. Valerie Martinez, Principal, Baird Middle School and Ms. Marisela Martinez, City Planner II, City of Fresno
Shifting from the Narrow Zone of Zero Tolerance to a Wide Region of Restorative Practices: Black girls and School Discipline
This presentation will discuss a case study of disciplinary actions taken by school administrators regarding a Black female. The school’s responses to the “violations” are analyzed to demonstrate whether or not fair and equitable decisions were practiced, and what other responses are available to administrators.
Across the nation, incidences continue to occur that demonstrate inequitable treatment towards students of color, and in particular, Black girls. The latest trends indicate that Black girls have the “fastest growing number of suspension rates, experience disciplines rates six (6) times higher than White girls; and they experience suspension rates higher than 67% of boys as well” (U. S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights, 2014, p. 4). With these latest trends affecting school discipline, the need to study Black girls is becoming even more essential to provide more insight to school officials who create and enforce disciplinary policies (Losen & Skiba, 2010).
The presenters will use a scenario as an example of disciplinary action taken by school administrators. The scenario presents two Black high school females who had disciplinary actions taken against them using a Zero Tolerance Policy. In order to examine these actions, the presentation offers an alternative set of procedures to implement instead of “pushing” students out of school.
The recommendations to reduce the number of suspensions is use restorative practices and to continue to educate and train teachers and administrators in culturally responsive strategies using the following:
1) Restorative Practices
2) Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS)
3) Culturally proficient leadership
4) 7 C’s of Engagement and Partnership
There are other options besides suspensions and expulsions, to be considered by administrators when making decisions in a system that habitually mis-disciplines young Black girls and students of color.
Presenters: Dr. Angela Clark Louque, Professor, CSU San Bernardino and Dr. Talisa Sullivan-Ingram, Adjunct Professor, CSU San Bernardino
Coaching Toward Equity: A Scenario-Based Workshop for Practitioners
Have you ever been in a situation that stopped you in your tracks, where you were unsure of what to do or what to say? Maybe you’ve noticed the boys were sitting on one side of the classroom and the girls on the other side. Or you took an action that, upon reflection, served to “other” a student. In small groups, workshop participants will reflect on personal classroom/school-site equity challenges. As a community, participants will workshop said questionable equity instances using strategies such as clarifying questions. This workshop provides participants a structured and safe opportunity to practice the skills required to challenge inequity and receive feedback on how to engage in courageous conversations.
Presenters: Ms. Sarah Brown, Senior Education Specialist, Center for Powerful Public Schools and Mr. Ryan Goins, Education Specialist, Center for Powerful Public Schools
Working in a Culturally Diverse World
This workshop is designed to introduce you to concepts that will help increase your competencies to work more effectively in a globally diverse world and workplace. We will be learning these concepts through a method called Cultural Intelligence, or CQ for short. We will walk through the 4 part cycle of CQ, which includes your CQ drive, knowledge, strategy and action. As we do this, you will discover how culture plays a role in learning and behavior for yourself as well as those around you, including how culturally based beliefs and practices affect things such as teaching, learning and performance. You will engage with interactive scenarios to enhance your learning experience. By the end of the 60 min workshop, you will be able to define the cycle of Cultural Intelligence, describe how culture affects the beliefs and behaviors of everyone and identify areas where you can begin to grow your own CQ to become even more effective working in a multiethnic world.
Presenters: Ms. Emma Ilori, MPH Adjunct Faculty, Fresno Pacific University and Mr. Babatunde Ilori, Executive Director of Accountability and Communications, Madera Unified School District
Thursday, March 18, 2021, 9am – 11:30am
Guest Speaker and Documentary:
Defying the Odds: Digging Deeper into National & California Student Performance Data and Supporting the Needs of All Learners
National data is all over the media and shaping an incomplete narrative around student learning in the COVID era. The data being used is masking differences in a student’s testing environment- in school and remotely, differences in how students are performing (in school vs out of school) as well as how students of color are achieving relative to what we would expect. Participants of the session will gain data insights used by the district and instructional strategies to defy the odds and ensure the needs of learners are met during this unprecedented time.
Presenter: Dr. Abram Jimenez, Vice President, Curriculum Associates
Documentary: Stolen Education, A film by Dr. Enrique Alemán, Jr. and Mr. Rudy Luna, introduced by Dr. Pete Flores, Director of Equity
Stolen Education documents the untold story of Mexican-American school children who challenged discrimination in Texas schools in the 1950’s and changed the face of education in the Southwest.
Watch the trailer at:
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